Article 215 of Law 4957 of the year 2022 (Official Government Gazette issue A’ no 141) states as follows:
1. In each Higher Education Institution (A.E.I.) an administrative structure is established, the level and administrative formation of which is defined in the Institutions’ statutes under the name “Quality Assurance Unit” (Q.A.U.) or MO.DI.P. in Greek. MO.DI.P. is functionally independent from the other institutional units and is supervised by the dean or the vice dean in charge, to whom the relevant responsibility has been assigned.
The mission of MO.DI.P. is the constant improvement of the quality of the academic and research work of the Institution as well as its effective function and services according to the international practices, especially those of the European Higher Education Area and the directions of the Hellenic Authority of Higher Education (H.A.H.E.) or ETH.A.A.E. in Greek. MO.DI.P. is internally structured by: a) the Quality Assurance Committee and b) the Quality Assurance Service.
2. The Quality Assurance Committee is established by decision of the Senate and consists of: a) the institutions’ dean or the vice dean in charge, b) five (5) members of the Teaching and Research Faculty Staff (D.E.P.) of the institution, having the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, c) one (1) representative from each of the categories of the Laboratory Teaching Staff (E.DI.P.), Special Teaching Staff (E.E.P.) and Technical Laboratory Staff (E.T.E.P.) of the institution, d) one (1) representative of the undergraduate students, e) one (1) representative of the postgraduate and Phd students, and f) one (1) representative of the Visiting Professors, temporary teaching staff, Visiting Researchers and contract Researchers who are part of the faculty of the institution. The Committee’s term of office is five years. Representatives e) to f) are to be appointed on a annual basis and have the right to vote on topics relevant to their status. The Head of MO.DI.P. as well as the executive director of the University participate in the Committee’s meetings without the right to vote.
4. The Quality Assurance Service is staffed with members of the university’s administrative staff and is headed by an employee of the university, belonging to a specialty or sector defined by the university’s statutes. […]